Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre -
Rooftop Helipad

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Hero Image of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre - Rooftop Helipad

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre -
Rooftop Helipad

The rooftop helipad project is located on the roof of ‘M’ Wing at Sunnybrook’s Bayview Campus. Renovations to the existing 9th floor roof of 'M' wing were required prior to constructing the 23m x 23m helipad. Based on the size of helicopter the helipad can accommodate, it is the largest of its type in Canada. Helicopters up to 35,000 lb takeoff weight can land on the pad. The pad is linked to an elevator core via a covered walkway to protect both patients and paramedics from the weather. The helipad has snow and moisture sensors that activate a glycol heating system keeping the pad free of ice and snow in the winter.

The helipad is constructed of prefabricated aluminum beams and deck supported by a steel structure. The aluminum deck slopes in one direction and has extruded grooves to direct any fuel spill to fuel separators located under the pad. There are two fixed oscillating fire suppression nozzles that instantly spray foam in the case of emergency.

  • Healthcare


  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


  • Toronto


  • November 2019


  • $11,836,432.00

    Contract Value